Thursday, June 08, 2017

Why there is still a need for Black LGBTQ Pride events - An audio exercise

Via the past couple of years, hardly two consecutive months go by in which I don't hear the same tired diatribes from at least one white lgbtq or ally:

Why do you feel there is a need for a black pride? 
We should all be together? 
Why are you separating yourselves?

I always find it curious how defensive some get about this sort of thing, even after you attempt to explain that not all lgbtq communities have the same cultural indicators, or that black prides doesn't mean that lgbtqs of color are separating ourselves, or yes (for the thousandth time) if you are not black, you can still attend and have fun.

So allow me to explain the need for Black LGBTQ Pride events in another way. And I am going to enlist the help of Shahrazad Ali.

Ali considers herself a teacher and a scholar. She has written extensively on relationships between black heterosexual couples (The Black man's Guide to Understanding the Black Woman), racism (Are You Still a Slave?), and gay/bisexual  men (How To Tell If Your man is Gay or Bisexual). She has also appeared on many radio programs and talk shows.

It's a shame that she is a loudmouth black militant kook who wouldn't know anything about the subjects she writes about and speaks on even if they suddenly took life and bit her on the butt.

For example, this is her talking about same sex couples raising children. For those who are into that sort of thing, massive trigger warnings here:

Told you she was a kook. But here is what you really need to know.

White lgbtqs can laugh her off because they know she is, shall we say, a bit unknowledgable regarding same sex families. And they have enough support in their facet of the community who is willing to tell her to stuff it. But what lgbts of color? Who will take our side in the black community when she speaks this nonsense? Definitely not white lgbtqs. She can easily turn your racial heritage against you by claiming that you are proving her point that white folks are using homosexuality to weaken the black community.

 Ali has to be challenged and condemned by lgbts of color. We are the ones she hurts the most by her rhetoric and we are the ones who need to verbally drag her for her bull in front of the entire black community. And not just her, but others in the black community who will try to stigmatize us, whether it be on talk shows, radio shows, and yes even in the pulpits. But how can we if we have no sense of pride in ourselves as lgbtqs of color. How can we stand up for ourselves in the black community and defeat the illusion that we are "tools of the white man?"

What I'm talking about is a specific designation of lgbts of color who are open and proud members of the black community as such, will not be disrespected by our own people. That's why Black Pride events are important. It gives lgbts of color a space to recognize who we are specifically and how we add to the richness of both the lgbtq and black communities. These events gives us a chance to  reflect upon our past as well as celebrate the customs and rituals of our present.  And it gives us the will that we need to openly challenge people like Ali when they attempt to distort the conversation about our lives.

 Black Pride is a physical, psychological, and spiritual experience which builds lgbts of color up as a community and as leaders. It gives us the strength to remind everyone that we will not altered or dissected to suit their needs.

We are lgbtq and we are black.

You take us on both scores or you go away. We aren't going anywhere.

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